Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Poets' Expression of Fillings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Poets' Expression of Fillings - Essay Example Wordsworth, in his poem, I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, describes the various aspects of nature and concludes by appreciating their presence saying; Similar romantic themes are focused on the works of Donne, Frost, and Shakespeare as well as the works of Bishop, Basho, and Hardy. Many stylistic devices including imagery, symbolism, and sarcasm formed the major styles that were used to convey a romantic message to the then society. A proper choice of words with accurate rhyming schemes in these poems creates an acute rhythmic pattern enhancing their musicality and bringing out the aesthesis. For instance, Shakespeare in his poem That time of year thou mayst in me behold expresses his love for nature in a rather loving tone cultivating a compassionate mood on the readers towards nature. He says; In conclusion, poetic works during the romantic ages focused on the romance derived from various sources. The association of nature with man's ability to gain satisfaction through it formed a major theme in most of the works during this period. The theme of romance in these poems can be addressed at two levels by splitting the fused twin focus of interpersonal love.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Accounting Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Accounting Case Study - Essay Example In order to increase profitability of the business, the company should reduce the cost of salaries and wages (Maher, Stickney, & Weil 139). Also, miscellaneous expenses are too high and thus the manager should establish the cause of such an extreme cost. Furthermore, the CEO can control development cost of producing books by apportioning production cost to the number of books at various stages (Maher, Stickney, & Weil 142). They should differentiate between direct and indirect cost. All the direct costs associated with each unit produced should be added directly at each production stage while the indirect cost incurred at each stage of production in each department should be distributed to respective department (Maher, Stickney, & Weil 158). Apportioning the production cost at different stages will enable the CCP Publishers to establish the actual cost of finished products instead. The estimated profitability of books at the time of signing contract is an estimate of finished goods w hile actual cost may be inclusive of work in progress and unsold stock. The company should determine the factors responsible for high cost and establish measures to reduce the cost. For example, the salaries and wages may have increased due to contracting out of most its activities. The management can decrease the value by offering such services internally instead of contracting out (Maher, Stickney, & Weil